Solid state introduction

Solid state introduction

Solid state introduction

Gases and liquids are called liquids because of their flow, in both of them fluidity is found due to free movement of molecules, whereas in solids it is not so solids oscillate around their mean position, this explains the hardness of solids The nature of particles depends on the binding forces between them. Intermolecular forces and thermal energy. In solids, these are two factors on which the physical states of matter depend. Intermolecular forces keep particles close to each other due to attraction. and thermal energy tends to hold particles rapidly apart from each other. These two forces are opposite when the resultant result of these two opposite forces (intermolecular forces, thermal energy) clumps the particles together and allows them to remain stationary. In this chapter, we will study various types of structures from different arrangements of particles and learn how the properties of solids change when structural units are arranged differently. Huh In this way, the following properties are found in solids. All solids are made up of particles. These particles can be atoms, molecules and ions. Solids have definite shape, mass and volume. In solids, intermolecular attraction forces are very strong.

Solid state introduction

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  • Aashish verma , November 30, 2021 @ 1:27 PM

    Awesome sir

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